Wagon wheel
Horse silhouette


Cow Silhouette Illustration
Golden Retriever Dog Silhouette


Pig Silhouette Illustration
Cat Silhouette (Siluet Kucing)

Boarding Dogs, Cats, Exotics

Overnight Equine & Showstock Livery

Home of B2 Performance Horses & AQHA Stallion Authentic Cat

Our Kennel

5'x10' or 10'x10' Kennels

We provide cots, mats, and bowls.

Clients need to bring their pets own ​beds, food, medication & treats.

Cats & Exotics Welcome!

We have experience

with critters of all kinds!

Big & Small we love them all!

Our priority is your pets comfort & ​happiness during your time away.

Outdoor runs are utilized several ​times per day and we interact with ​your pet(s) to provide exercise and ​play.

Boarding & Day Care Fees:

We charge on a per night basis.

Pick up time is 1:00PM

Pets picked up after 1:00 PM will be charged ​the $25 day fee.

5'x10' Kennel - $30/night

10'x10' Kennel - $40/night

Additional FAMILY dogs - $15/night

Intact Males, overly messy dogs, & puppies ​have an additional $5/night charge for the ​extra cleaning and supplies required.

Cats: 4'x3' Playpen - $25/night

Exotics: bring own cages & supplies - $25

Dog Day Care:

Includes interaction time with other ​friendly dogs of similar sizes. Large & small ​breeds will be kept separate.

Full Day: $25 ($15/additional FAMILY Dog) ​Anytime between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm

Half Day: $18 ($10/additional FAMILY Dog)

7:30 am - 1:00 pm or 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Vaccination Requirements:

Current vaccinations by a Certified ​Veterinarian are required.

Rabies, Bordetella, Distemper, ​Parvo

*Vaccinations must be administered ​7 days prior to boarding.

*Puppies must have both rounds of ​shots prior to boarding; therefore, ​we cannot accept puppies under 14 ​weeks of age.

CATS: Distemper (Fvrcp), Rabies

*Documents can be brought in at ​drop off or emailed by your ​veterinarian to ​stagestopboarding@gmail.com

We do NOT accept dogs that are:

Human or dog aggressive. ZERO TOLERANCE

Have severe separation anxiety.

Looking to climb, dig, escape.

Frequent and excessive barkers.

Female dogs in heat.

Chewers: Please make us aware of possibility ​of chewing. THE REPLACEMENT COST OF ​ANY COTS/MATS THAT ARE CHEWED ​WILL CHARGED TO YOU.

*We reserve the right to refuse services to any ​pet or individual for any reason.

Payment & Cancellation Policy

Reservations are required

*A valid credit card number on file or ​100% of estimated stay is required to hold ​your reservation.

*Cancellations with less than 3 days ​notice will be charged in full.

*You are responsible for damages made ​by your pet(s) to StageStop Boarding ​property.

Credit Card, Cash, or Check accepted

Email for Boarding Contract

and Further Information~


StageStop Boarding (406) 925-3712

B2 Performance Horses (209) 753-8860

1425 Highway 278

Dillon, MT 59725

Please use entrance

located off of Sawmill Rd.

~Look for the Sign on the Left!


7 Days per Week

7:30 am - 6:00 pm

StageStop Boarding Overnight Livery

We are conveniently located at the junction of Interstate 15 and MT Highway 278, ​just south of Dillon, MT. (Use entrance off of Sawmill Road.)

Currently we have outdoor stalls and pens, an exercise pen, and dry-camping spots.

We have ample space for maneuvering living-quarters horse trailers and long stock ​trailers.

Veterinarian Health Certificates and Coggins are REQUIRED.


Indoor Stalls

Wash Rack

Arena, Hot-Walker

Power and Water Hook-ups

For more information contact (209) 753-8860 or (406) 925-3712

B2 Performance Horses

Standing AQHA Stallion Authentic Cat

Horse Saddle

Authentic Cat

AQHA Bay Roan Stallion

2024 Breeding Fees:

$850 plus mare care

Email for Breeding Contract~


Stacy Billings (209) 753-8860